Saturday, February 21, 2009



Important Tips To Sai Devotees


1. For proper guidance and assistance to the devotees, Reception centre has been opened opposite the S. T. Bus stand.

2. On arrival at Shirdi, devotees should immediately get in touch with the above mentioned Reception centre of the Sansthan and should thereafter proceed to the Enquiry office for booking their accommodation which is made available after registration of name and other particulars.

3. Occupied room/s should be locked before going out.

4. If the accommodation provided is in the common hall, luggage should always be left in charge of a member of the party to safeguard it from antisocial elements.

5. A locker is available at nominal charge and against a deposit, which may be booked at the Enquiry office, and used for keeping luggage or any other valuables.

6. Care should be taken not to leave any belongings behind in the toilets and the bathrooms.

7. As the Samadhi Mandir is overcrowded at the time of Aarati, devotees should safeguard their ornaments and purses from pickpocketers and mind their children.

8. Devotees should note that all religious functions and Poojas in the Sansthan premises are to be arranged and performed through the office of the Sansthan. Necessary payments for these are to be made at the office against a receipt. Boxes have been provided by the Sansthan in the Mandir itself to receive the devotees' offerings by way of Dakshina and Hundis.

9. Offering to Shri Sai Baba in cash or kind should always be made at the office against a receipt.

10. Devotees should bear in mind that Baba left no heirs or disciples and should guard themselves against such deception practised by impostors.

11. As all the necessary assistance and guidance is readily available to the devotees at the Reception centre of the Sansthan, assistance from unauthorised guides at the S. T. stand, if taken by the devotees, will be at their own risk.

12. Devotees are warned against practitioners of black magic professing allegiance to Shri Sai Baba, and also against those circulating chainletters, asking the receiver to sena a certain number of copies of the letter to his friends.

13. Literature about Shri Sai Baba containing authentic information in various languages has been published by the Sansthan at reasonable prices and is readily available at its Book shops near the Samadhi Mandir.

14. A complaint/suggestion book is always kept in the office for the use by the devotees, in which they are requested to write clearly their complaints/suggestions along with their full names and addresses. The Sansthan authorities take due note of such complaints/suggestions.

15. Donations should always be sent by Money Orders, Postal Orders, Crossed and A/c. Payee Cheques or Drafts to ensure safe delivery of the same. Do not send cash or currency notes in postal envelopes.

16. As the various dealers and vendors of Pooja articles are not connected with the Sansthan, devotees should first fix the price before buying these articles to avoid any trouble thereafter.

17. All donations for oil for the Nanda-deep and for firewood for Dhuni in the Dwarkamai are to be given in the Accounts office only. Further details regarding these can be obtained from the Temple- in-charge.

18. Devotees desirous of feeding the poor can arrange to do so against cash payments to be made to the Prasadalaya itself or the Account office. Coupons are not accepted for this purpose.

19. Devotees desirous of distributing alms to beggars can do so only in the beggars' shed, near Prasadalaya with the help of the Securityofficer.

20. Devotees making correspondence should give their complete and correct addresses.

21. Devotees are requested to avail of the facilities at the Tea canteen and Prasadalaya run by the Sansthan where tea and meals are served at subsidised rates.

22. Medical facilities are available at the well-equipped 'Shri Sainath Hospital' run by the Shirdi Sansthan.

23. The Sansthan has not appointed any representative for the purpose of collecting donations in cash or otherwise. Devotees are informed that no donations either in cash or otherwise should be given to anybody personally. This is to avoid deceit as well as to prevent devotees from being cheated by unscruplous elements.

24. The 'Holy Padukas' (foot-wears) of Lord Shri Sai Baba are only with the Shri Sai Baba Sansthan, Shirdi, kept for darshan in Sai Baba Mandir; and not elsewhere.

Monday, February 16, 2009

SAI - Rehem nazar karna

SAI - Rehem nazar karna

100 Sayings of shirdi sai baba


A Collection from Sri Sai Satcharita

Why fear when I am here?

I am formless and everywhere
I am in everything and beyond. I fill all space

All that you see taken together is Myself.
I do not shake or move

If one devotes his entire time to me and rests in me, he need fear nothing for body and soul.
If one sees me and me alone and listens to my Leelas and is devoted to me alone, he will reach God

My business is to give blessings

I get angry with none. Will a mother get angry with her children? Will the ocean send back the waters to the several rivers?

I will take you to the end.
Surrender completely to God

If you make me the sole object of your thoughts and aims, you will gain the supreme goal.

Trust in the Guru fully. That is the only sadhana
I am the slave of my devotee

Stay by me and keep quiet. I will do the rest.

What is our duty? To behave properly. That is enough
My eye is ever on those who love me

Whatever you do, wherever you may be, always bear this in mind: I am always aware of everything you do.
I will not allow my devotees to come to harm

If a devotee is about to fall, I stretch out my hands to support him or her.

I think of my people day and night. I say their names over and over.

My treasury is open but no one brings carts to take from it. I say, "Dig!" but no one bothers.

My people do not come to me of their own accord; it is I who seek and bring them to me.

All that is seen is my form: ant, fly, prince, and pauper
However distant my people may be, I draw them to me just as we pull a bird to us with a string tied to its foot

I love devotion.
This body is just my house. My guru has long ago taken me away from it

Those who think that Baba is only in Shirdi have totally failed to know me
Without my grace, not even a leaf can move

I look on all with an equal eye
I cannot do anything without God's permission

God has agents everywhere and their powers are vast
I have to take care of my children day and night and give an account to God of every paisa

The wise are cheerful and content with their lot in life

If you are wealthy, be humble. Plants bend when they bear fruit.

Spend money in charity; be generous and munificent but not extravagant
Get on with your worldly activities cheerfully, but do not forget God

Do not kick against the pricks of life
Whatever creature comes to you, human or otherwise, treat it with consideration

Do not be obsessed by the importance of wealth
See the divine in the human being

Do not bark at people and don't be aggressive, but put up with others' complaints
There is a wall of separation between oneself and others and between you and me. Destroy this wall!

Give food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, and clothes to the naked. Then God will be pleased
Saburi (patience) ferries you across to the distant goal
The four sadhanas and the six Sastras are not necessary. Just has complete trust in your guru: it is enough
Meditate on me either with form or without form, that is pure bliss
God is not so far away. He is not in the heavens above, nor in hell below. He is always near you

If anyone gets angry with another, they wound me to the quick

If you cannot endure abuse from another, just say a simple word or two, or else leave.

What do we lose by another's good fortune? Let us celebrate with them, or strive to emulate them.
That should be our desire and determination.
I stay by the side of whoever repeats my name

If formless meditation is difficult, then think of my form just as you see it here. With such meditation, the difference between subject and object is lost and the mind dissolves in unity.

If anyone offends you do not return tit for tat.

I am the slave of those who hunger and thirst after me and treat everything else as unimportant.

Whoever makes me the sole object of their love, merges in me like a river in the ocean.

Look to me and I will look to you.
What God gives is never exhausted, what man gives never lasts

Be contented and cheerful with what comes.

My devotees see everything as their Guru.

Poverty is the highest of riches and a thousand times superior to a king's wealth.

Put full faith in God's providence.

Whoever withdraws their heart from wife, child, and parents and loves me, is my real lover.

Distinguish right from wrong and be honest, upright and virtuous.

Do not be obsessed by egotism, imagining that you are the cause of action: everything is due to God.

If we see all actions as God's doing, we will be unattached and free from karmic bondage

Other people's acts will affect just them. It is only your own deeds that will affect you.

Do not be idle: work, utter God's name and read the scriptures.

If you avoid rivalry and dispute, God will protect you.

People abuse their own friends and family, but it is only after performing many meritorious acts that one gets a human birth. Why then come to Shirdi and slander people?

Speak the truth and truth alone.
No one wants to take from me what I give abundantly

Do not fight with anyone, nor retaliate, nor slander anyone.
Harsh words cannot pierce your body. If anybody speaks ill of you, just continue on unperturbed

Choose friends who will stick to you till the end, through thick and thin.

Meditate on what you read and think of God.

I give my devotees whatever they ask, until they ask for what I want to give.

You should not stay for even one second at a place where people are speaking disrespectfully of a saint.

If you do not want to part with what you have, do not lie and claim that you have nothing, but decline politely saying that circumstances or your own desires prevent you.

Let us be humble

Satsang that is associating with the good is good. Dussaya, or associating with evil-minded people,
is evil and must be avoided.

What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get.

Recognize the existence of the Moral Law as governing results. Then unswervingly follow this Law.

All gods are one. There is no difference between a Hindu and a Muslim. Mosque and temple are the same.

Fulfill any promises you have made.

Death and life are the manifestations of God's activity. You cannot separate the two. God permeates all.

Mukti is impossible for those addicted to lust.

Gain and loss, birth and death are in the hands of God.

When you see with your inner eye. Then you realize that you are God and not different from Him.

Avoid unnecessary disputation

The giver gives, but really he is sowing the seed for later: the gift of a rich harvest.

Wealth is really a means to work out dharma. If one uses it merely for personal enjoyment, it is vainly spent.

To God be the praise. I am only the slave of God.

God will show His love. He is kind to all.

Whenever you undertake to do something, do it thoroughly or not at all.

One's sin will not cease till one falls at the feet of Sadhus

Be ashamed of your hatred. Give up hatred and be quiet.

The Moral Law is inexorable, so follow it, observe it, and you will reach your goal: God is the perfection of the Moral Law.

I am your servants' servant.

Always think of God and you will see what He does.

Have faith and patience. Then I will be always with you wherever you are.

sai ram

Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Invite them now.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

shridi sai samadhi mandir slide show

Dress Measurement for Shirdi Sai Baba Samadhi And Sai Baba Idol.

Dress Measurement for Shirdi Sai Baba Samadhi And Sai Baba Idol.

FOR SAI BABA SAMADHI -3 metres cloth in length and 46 " in breadth.

FOR SAI BABA IDOL-3 metres cloth in length and 46 "in breadth.

FOR SAI BABA SCARF(HEAD GEAR)-1.5 metres (Saffron or Orange preferably)

(These are the measurement of the Dress which was offered -accepted by Baba and it fitted well.)

Saturday, February 14, 2009



Meaning of 11 saying of shirdi sai baba

Meaning of 11 saying of shirdi sai baba

We all are familiar with 11 sayings of Sai Baba of Shirdi. Devotees come across these lines very often. But very few are aware of hidden meaning in those 11 lines. So in this post, I would like to highlight the meaning of these lines.

© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories
1. जो शिर्डी में आयेगा, आपाद दूर भगाएगा
Hindi Explanation : शिर्डी में जो पैर रखेगा, उसकी समस्त आपदाये दूर हो जायेंगी
Saying in English : Whoever puts his feet on Shirdi soil, his sufferings would come to an end

It seems that through this first line, Shirdi Sai Baba has put His Holy Hands on His devotees head. Sai Baba has taken responsibility to take care of His devotee who visits Shirdi, takes darshan of Samadhi and surrenders completely to Him. Sai Baba's soul is still present in Shirdi and so He has given such promise. This promise has been fulfilled by Sai Baba and in turned increased devotees' faith.

2. चढ़े समाधि की सीढ़ी पर, पैर तले दुःख की पीढी कर
Hindi Explanation : जो मेरी समाधि की सीढ़ी चढेगा, उसका सारा दुःख नष्ट हो जाएगा
Saying in English : The wretched and miserable would rise into plenty of joy and happiness, as soon as they climb steps of my Samadhi.

In this Kaliyug, all of us are suffering from one problem or another. Some suffer mentally, some physically, some economically, some socially... and there is no end of sufferings. In such condition only encouraging words from our close ones or money alone is not enough. Only Sadguru Sai can only help in time of distress. Whosoever takes darshan of Sai Baba's Samadhi gets free from such distress. Thats the reason why so many devotees are flocking to Shirdi now a days. This is the proof of truthfulness of Sai Baba's words.

3. त्याग शरीर चला जाऊँगा, भक्त-हेतु दौडा आऊँगा
Hindi Explanation : शरीर त्यागने के पश्चात भी मैं अपने भक्तों के लिए दौड़ता हुआ आऊंगा
Saying in English : I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body

Though Sai Baba is not with us in bodily form, but I dont think we miss His presence. Every now and then He comes running to His devotees to take them out of difficulties. I am reminded of a popular bhajan "Thoda Dhyaan Laga, Sai Daude Daude Ayenge, Thoda Dhyan Laga..." When He was in bodily form He had promised His devotees to be with them for ever and He has been fulfilling this promise even today.

4. मन में रखना दृढ विश्वास, करे समाधि पूरी आस
Hindi Explanation : आप मन में दृढ विश्वास रखिए शिर्डी में बनी मेरी समाधी आपकी इच्छाए पूर्ण करेगी
Saying in English : My tomb shall bless and speak to the needs of my devotees.

The Samadhi of Sai Baba is not an ordinary person's samadhi. It is a Divine Human Being's Living Samadhi. The Divine Soul of Sai Baba is always present near Samadhi. "My tomb will speak with you all" were the words of Sai Baba. If any devotee keeping these words in mind medidate on the 'Formless' form of Sai Baba, these words turn out to be true. It is very natural that in tough times only we humans remember God, but if we remember our Sai Baba in grief and happiness, He is with us always.

5. मुझे सदा जीवित ही जानो, अनुभव करो सत्य पहचानो
Hindi Explanation : आप मुझे सदैव जीवित ही समझिए और अपने अनुभवों द्वारा इसकी प्रचिती प्राप्त कीजिए
Saying in English : I shall be active and vigorous even from the tomb.

There is very deep meaning in this fifth promise given by Sai Baba. The soul is indestructible. We replace old clothes with new ones. Similary a soul sacrifies one body and enters into another. So it is very well understood that even if Sai Baba has left His mortal coil, His soul is still around us. Sai Baba has no end and He is watching our good and bad deeds each moment. Thus such thought will not allow us to do any bad deed and we all ever conscious to attain Him.

6. मेरी शरण आ खाली जाये, हो कोई तो मुझे बताये
Hindi Explanation : क्या ऐसा एक भी उदाहरण है कि कोई भक्त अनन्य भाव से मेरी शरण में आये और उसकी मनोकामना पूर्ण न हो?
Saying in English : My mortal remains would speak from the tomb

It has never happened that a devotee faced disappointment who have surrendered himself completely to Sai Baba. He never avoids anyone who come to His refuge. There were hidden blessings even in His scoldings. Even devotees took those scoldings as blessings. It can be compared to beatings from a teacher for progress of his student. Though these beatings seem harsh to the student, but they prove to be fruitful when he does well in studies. This, even, improves child's mental ability. Leelas of Baba were much difficult to understand. Every action of His conveyed deep meaning which we ignorant humans failed to understand. Still whosoever surrender completely to Him received His divine blessings in one way or the other.

7. जैसे भाव रहा जिस जन का, वैसा रूप हुआ मेरे मन का
Hindi Explanation : जो जो भक्त जिस जिस भाव से मुझे स्मरण करता हैं, वैसा ही फल मैं उसे प्राप्त करा देता हूँ
Saying in English : I am ever living to help and guide all who come to me, who surrender to me and who seek refuge in me

The more intense the love of devotee for Sai Baba, the more easily he can attain Him. There are many such instances where Sai Baba gave darshan to His devotess of those Gods whom they worshipped and praised. This promise says that we can worship Sai Baba thinking Him to be form of any God and He is there to bless us as per our devotion.

8. भार तुम्हारा मुझ पर होगा, वचन न मेरा झूठा होगा
Hindi Explanation : आपके हित-साधन का उत्तरदायित्व तो सदैव मैं संभालूँगा, मेरा वचन कभी असत्य सिद्ध नहीं होगा
Saying in English : If you look to me, I look to you.

Sai Baba Himself takes the responsibilities of devotees who has complete faith in Him. He has taken out many devotees from worldly sackles. He has given eyes to blind person, limbs to lame person and peace of mind to disturbed person by His mere darshan. He Himself suffered many a times for His devotee's welfare. So why to fear when He is with us day and night. We only have to look at Him and we can find Him already looking at ourselves lovingly and ready to help with His helping hands.

9. आ सहायता लो भरपूर, जो माँगा वह नहीं है दूर
Hindi Explanation : आप विश्वास रखिये कि यहाँ जो आयेगा, उसे अवश्य सहायता मिलेगी, भक्त जिस-जिस वास्तु कि कामना करेगा, वही मैं उसे प्राप्त करा दूँगा
Saying in English : If you cast your burden on me, I shall surely bear it.

Sai Baba had such love for His devotee which a father has for his son. Whosover goes for darshan of Sai Baba with pure heart surely gets what he wants. He is always ready with helping hands for His devotees. He can be rightly called a 'Kalpavruksh'. He wants us to cast our burden of good and bad deeds on Him, so that the sense of doership vanishes and we starting walking on that path from where we can attain Almighty.

10. मुझ में लीन वचन मन काया, उसका ऋण न कभी चुकाया
Hindi Explanation : जो भक्त मन, वचन, काया से मुझ में लीन होता है, उसका मैं सदैव ऋणी रहूँगा
Saying in English : If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once.

The devotee who has surrendered everything in the Lotus Feet of Shri Sai becomes one with Him in all respects. Sai Baba encouraged reading of spiritual books to take His devotees to the path of Sadgati who showed immense love towards Sai Baba. It was his prime duty to create interest for spiritual matters in the minds of His devotees. To go ahead in spirituality, one must be ever curious to seek the advice and help of Guru and where can we find more capable, loving and caring other than our beloved Sai Baba?

11. धन्य धन्य वह भक्त अनन्य, मेरी शरण तज जिसे न अन्य
Hindi Explanation : धन्य है वह भक्त, जो अनन्य भाव से मेरे चरणों का शरण पाने आया हो
Saying in English : There shall be no want in the house of my devotees

Every human should try to complete his responsibility after getting birth of a human being. They must surrender themselves completely to Sadguru and in turn make way to attain Almighty. Saints are the form of God. They have quality to transform Nar (human being) into Narayan (God). Thus whosoever soughts refuge of Sai Baba, surenders himself to Him are qualified to be called 'Rich' in true sense. Then the responsibility of looking after materialistic matters of that devotee is on the shoulders of Sai Baba.

Friday, February 13, 2009




Hemadripant has approximately determined the date of Sai Baba's birth as A.D. 1838.


Sai Baba spent 12 years with his Guru. The name of his Guru is not exactly known but could be 'Venuksha' alias Gopalarao Deshmukh of Selu or even a 'Sufi' fakir. Some say " Baba practiced penance at the tomb of His Guru in the cellar under the Neem Tree at Shirdi". Arrival of Devidas at Shirdi (Aged 10-11 years) took place in 1846. When he enquired, BABA mentioned the name of his GURU as Venkusa implying VISHNU (Parvardigar).

Sai Baba first appeared at Shirdi under the Neem Tree (aged about 19 Years) and after sometime disappeared to an unknown place.

Sai Baba returned to Shirdi along with the marriage-party of Chand Patil of village called Dhoop in Aurangabad District and remained at Shirdi for ever till His Samadhi.

Saint Manik Prabhu of Homanabad in Bidar District of Karnataka passed away in 1878, Chaitra Vadya 14. H. H. Akkalkot Swami left His mortal coil at Akkalkot in Solapur District of Maharashtra. (First appeared in 1835). It is reported that three of them (Manik Prabhu, Swami Samartha and SAIBABA) met at Humanabad.

Saint Anandnath (aged 95 years) of Yewala Math and a disciple of Akkalkot Swami visited Shirdi and seeing Sai Baba exclaimed, "This is a precious real diamond."

1886, April 16
Mahasamadhi of Shri Ramkrishna Paramahansa of Bengal 1886, Margashirsh 15 Sai Baba got rid of an attack of asthma, by going into samadhi for 72 Hrs.

Abdullah arrived at Shirdi from Nanded (in West Khandesh near Jalgaon and Amalner)

1892 (approx)
Nanasaheb Chandorkar arrived at Shirdi for the first time after being invited by BABA many a time showing his intimate relations with NANA since his many previous births.

1894 (approx)
Das Ganu (Ganesh Dattatreya Sahasrabuddhe) accompanied Nanasaheb Chandorkar to Shirdi for the first time

Celebration of 'Urus' ( fair) started at Shirdi owing to the efforts of Gopalrao Gund, a Circle Inspector of Kopargaon

Son (Nanasaheb Rasane) was born to Damu Anna Kasar of Ahmednagar by Sai Baba's Grace.

Sai Baba was seen sleeping on a narrow plank suspended with old rags about 7 or 8 feet above ground with lighted lamps placed on the plank.

Nanasaheb Chandorkar visited Shirdi with his sister-in-law's husband, Shri Biniwale. Baba scolded Nanasaheb for dissuading Biniwale, a devotee of Shri Dattatmya from visiting Datta Temple on the bank of Godavari River to avoid delay in reaching Shirdi.

Sai Baba like a learned Pandit explained Geeta to Nanasaheb Chandorkar, who believed that BABA was not well versed with Sanskrit language of Pandits (learned people).

Das Ganu left Govt. service and as per Baba's instructions settled at Nanded and started performing keertans and writing life histories of recent saints

Das Ganu's book 'Sant Kathamrit' was published. (Ch. 57 about Sai Baba's advice to Nanasaheb Chandorkar)

1904, April
Rao Bahadur H. V. Sathe first arrived at Shirdi. (Aged 49 years)

Nanasaheb Chandorkar's pregnant daughter Mainatai at Jamner in Jalgaon District had severe pains of delivery. Sai baba sent Udi and Arati with Ramgir Gosavi from Shirdi and she had a safe delivery. Sai Baba even took the form of tonga's Rajput driver to make Ramgir reach Jamner safe and on time.

Das Ganu's book 'Bhakta-Leelamrit' was published. (Chs.. 31, 32 and 33 about Sai Baba)

Nanasaheb Chandorkar was transferred as Mamlatdar from Nandurbar to Pandharpur. On the way, he stopped at Shird! with his family and started requesting Baba to accompany them to Pandharpur and stay there permanently with them. The devotees then told Nanasaheb about the singing of bhajan just finished in which Baba's mood of going to Pandharpur and staying there for ever was expressed. The text of the song was,'I want to go and stay at Pandharpur .'

Radhakrishna Mai (Sunderabai Kshirsagar) arrived at Shirdi.(Young good-looking widow aged 25 years). She was blessed by BABA who used to send a part of food collected as (Bhiksha) to her.

Sathe Wada was constructed.

1908 Ekadashi
Kashirarn Shimpi died. (Chaitra Shuddha 11). BABA saved his life in a mysterious way when he was assaulted by Thieves in a jungle.

Pundalikrao of Nanded met Shri Vasudevananda Saraswati. (Tembe Swami) at Rajahmundry on banks of Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh and Swami gave a coconut to be presented to Sai Baba. BABA showed cognizance of Swamiji's gilt and showed his oneness with Swami by describing him as his brother (Bhau)

Shri Tatyasaheb Noolkar, (Aged 45 years) the Sub-judge of Pandharpur first arrived at Shirdi in 1908. Gurupournima festival was prompted by Baba for Dada Kelkar, Tatyasaheb Noolkar, Madhavrao Deshpande and others.

Saibaba threw an ochre garment on Balasaheb Bhate, Mamlatdar of Kopargaon, and an atheist, on his very first visit and Balasaheb lost complete interest in worldly matters. He retired prematurely from service and settled down at Shirdi permanently.

Bapusaheb (Sakharam Hari) Jog on retirement from Govt. service came to stay at Shirdi permanently accompanied by his wife.

Bhimaji Patil of Narayangaon (Pune District) came to Shirdi for getting his chronic tuberculosis at the last stage and was cured by Baba's blessings.

1909, Nov 2
Hari Sitaram alias Kakasaheb Dixit (Aged 45 years), a prominent solicitor and M.L.C. first arrived at Shirdi. Baba used to call him affectionately Langda Kaka and removed fear complex from his mind. Kaka Dixit was known for his obedience to Baba's orders.

1909, Dec 10
Devotees began to offer regular worship to Baba in the Chavadi, where He slept on alternate days

1909, Dec 25

Baba gave darshan in the form of Sri Rama to a doctor, devotee of Sri Rama who came with a Mamlatdar.

Baba's 'Handi' ritual, occasionally cooking food Himself in a big copper pot and distributing it to devotees and poor people without discrimination. This practice continued till this year. After wards owing to Das Ganu's keertans (musical recitals praising Baba), Baba's fame spread far and wide and devotees started flocking together in large numbers offering large quantities of food as 'naivedya' and thus there was no need of 'Handi.

Ramachandra Atmaram alias Babasaheb Tarkhad from Bandra (Bombay) first visited Shirdi.

Rao Bahadur Moreshwar W. Pradhan of Santacruz (Bombay) first visited Shirdi.

Govind Raghunath alias Annasaheb Dabholkar (Aged 51 years), the author of Shri Sai Satcharita (Marathi), had his first darshan of Sai Baba and received significant and prophetic title of 'Hemadpant. Baba gave him his blessings and inspired him to write SAI SATCHARITA - a religious scripture describing BABA's life story and his divine play (leela) as monumental as GURU CHARITRA- the old monumental POTHI - a poetic religious scripture inspiring worship to GURU, NARASINHA SARASWATI.
Balkrishna Vishwanath alias Balasaheb Deo (Dahanu Mamlatdar) first visited Shirdi prompted by Nanasaheb Chandorkar. Deo used to describe him as Baba's child - with a full sense of surrender.

Bhadrapad Shuddha 5H. H. Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon (Buldhana District of Maharashtra) left His mortal coil. (First appeared in 1878). At that very time at Shirdi, Sai Baba grieved profusely and said, "Hallo! My Gajanan is gone. I must take bath again in reverance to the Great Soul."

Shrimant Gopalrao Mukund alias Bapu saheb Butty of Nagpur, (a rich statesman) started staying permanently at Shirdi.

Harishchandra Pitale's son suffering from epilepsy, was cured by Baba's mere glance at him. Baba gave Pitale three rupees and reminded him of two rupees earlier received by him from Swami Samarth of Akkalkot and thus showed his oneness with all the other SAINTS (Vibhutis)

1910, Ashwin Vady13
Sai Baba pushed his arm into the brightly burning Dhuni to save a blacksmith's child. 'The arm was scorched and burnt. Nanasaheb came from Bombay with Dr. Parmananda but Baba did not allow the doctor to treat him.Bhagoji Shinde's service of massaging the arm with ghee and bandaging it continued till Baba's Samadhi. This episode is in testimony to BABA's cosmic existence- HIS super consciousness.

1910 Dec 5
Hon'ble Mr. Ganesh Shrikrishna alias Dadasaheb Khaparde of Amraoti (Maharashtra) first visited Shirdi. (Refused on 10 Dec. 1910) Mr.Babasaheb Khaprde was an ardent devotee of BABA and his efforts were instrumental in bringing Loka Manya Tilak- (a great national leader -Khapurde's contemparary) to Shirdi for Baba's darshan and blessings in his movement for India's freedom from the British Rule

1910, Dec10
Foundation-stone of Dixit Wada laid with Baba's permission

1910, Christmas
Lala Lakhamichand of Santacruz (Bombay) came to Shirdi. Baba loved him very much and affectionately accepted his petty gifts given with love.

Megha returns to Shirdi and stays till his death. In Baba's company he underwent mysterious experiences which transformed Megha from an athiest to an ardent devotee of Baba and spent his life in the service of Sai -Shiva. He regarded Baba as Shiva-Shankar (Lord Shiva-Shankar -the welfare Doer).

Madrasi Sanyasi Vijayanand, while on a pilgrimage to Manas Sarovar, haulted at Shirdi and breathed his last while reading 'Bhagawat' (a religious script written by Saint Eknath) for 3 days on Baba's advice.

1911, March
Tatyasaheb Nulkar (Aged 48), the Sub-judge of Pandharpur breathed, his last at Shirdi . Baba showed HIS oneness with Tatya Nulkar and described him as a pure soul and expressed HIS grief at Nulkars demise.

After Tatyasaheb Nulkar passed away, Megha took over the regular daily worship of Baba in the Dwarakamai. (He used to stand on one leg while performing the Arati). Tatyasaheb Nulkar relinquished everything and stayed at Shirdi in Baba's company till his demise Baba bestowed him with the unique experiences in self realization. Baba advised him and Mr Shyama Deshpande to perform Guru worship (Pooja).

Ram-Navami Festival was started at Shirdi owing to the efforts of Shri Bhishma and Kaka Mahajani

1911, Ram-Navami
Construction of Dixit Wada was completed and was inhabited with due rites.

Extension and roofing of the open space in front of the Dwarakamai was carried out by Kakasaheb Dixit. Baba got enraged and tried to shake and uproot a pole. Then removing Tatya Patil's pugree, struck a match, set the pugree on fire and threw it in a pit along with one rupee as if an auspicious offering to avert evil. Baba never liked renovation of his dwelling place viz. Dwarkamai (the masjid) and opposed any such effort by the devotees.

Somdav Swami alias Haridwar Swami visited Shirdi.

1911, June 27
Kashinath Govind Upaswii (aged 41 years) first visited Shirdi and returned again on 6 July. Baba ordered him to stay for 4 years in the Khandoba Temple.

1911, Dec
Kashinath Upasani composed the famous 'Shri Sainath Mahimna Stotra (hymn) in Sanskrit. (Now being recited daily during Arati at Shirdi.)

1911, Dec
Bubonic plague raged at Shirdi (Lasted upto March 15 next year) Baba however saved lives of plague inflicted devotees by taking upon himself i.e. on his body the malody.

1911, Dec
Baba's grinding of wheat in the hand-mill. It was not wheat that was ground but plague or cholera itself was ground to pieces and cast out of village. Seeing this Annasaheb Dabholkar (Hemadpant) was inspired to write 'Shri Sai Satcharita.'

1911, Dec5
Dadasaheb Khaparde of Amraoti arrived at Shirdi again with family and stayed for 3 months. Shri Krishna Bhishma the author of Arati book 'Sagunopasana' accompanied him. Dadasaheb Khaparde wrote diary (daily record of his stay at Shirdi in Baba's company).

1911, Dec 11
Waman Rao Patel (Aged 22 years) (Later Swami Sai Sharanananda) first arrived at Shirdi.

1911, Dec 13
Chandrabhan Shet Marwadi, uncle of Khushalchand of Rahata. expired.

1911, Dec 16
Dr. Capt. Hate first visited Shirdi (who had just appeared at LCPS examination.) Baba sent him a messege in the dream saying, 'have you forgotten me?'

1911, Dec 19
Sai Baba's great devotee and a great saint of Nath-panth order, Shri Rama Maruti visited Shirdi. (Stayed for 34 days.) '. Ram Maruti offered 'Naivedya' to Baba and Baba very affectionately took a part of it (SWEET SANJA).

Sagun Meru Naik arrived at Shirdi at the age of 23 and on Baba's advice settled permanently running a small restaurant for the devotees visiting Shirdi.

1912, Jan
Dadasaheb Khaparde's youngest son Balwant was cured of bubonic plague by Baba by taking the disease on himself.

1912, Jan 3
Megha fed some Brahmins on completion of his Gayatri Punascharana (a religious ritual). Dadasaheb Khaparde attended it at Sathe Wada.

1912, Jan 19
Megha died at Shirdi at about 4 A.M. Baba lamented loudly and followed the funeral procession for some distance. Baba showered flowers on Megha's body.

1912, Jan 20
Bapusaheb Jog started performing Baba's Pooja and Arati after Megha's death.He continued this till Baba's Samadhi and even some years afterwards until he shifted to Sakuri and joined Upasani Maharaj there.

Transformation of Dwarakamai (the masjid) started. Pits were patched up and the stone slabs fixed on the floor. Baba gave up sack-cloth seat and started using cushion scat and boister in deference to devotees' wishes

1912 Jan
Ganapatrao, father of Tatya Kote Patil passed away. Tatya Patil stopped sleeping in the Dwarakamai with Baba.

1912, Feb 25
Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama) left Shirdi to attend Kakasaheb Dixit's son's thread-ceremony at Nagpur and Nanasaheb Chandorkar's son's wedding at Gwalior. From there accompanied by Appa Kote, he went on a pilgrimage to Mathura, Prayag, Ayodhya, Kashi and Gaya. At Gaya Madhavrao saw Baba's picture at the priest's house and was reminded of Baba's words, "After visiting Kashi and Prayag I would be reaching the religious place ahead of Shama."

1912, Mar 15
Dadasaheb Khaparde returned to Amraoti. Mrs. Laxmibai Khaparde stayed behind.

1912, Ram-navami
Dada Maharaj Satarkar, known as 'Modern Tukaram', was invited to perform Ram-navami Kirtan.When he bowed down in obeisance, Baba said, "I know this man since last 4 years". Bala Buva had never met Sai Baba before but 4 years ago at Bombay, he had prostrated before Baba's picture. Thus Baba proved to His devotees that seeing His picture was equivalent to seeing Him in person.

1912, April
First visit of Balaram Dhurandhar along with his brothers. Before they arrived Baba had expressed, "Today many of my Durbar people are coming". Baba offered Balaram Chillim to smoke and since then his 6 year old asthma was cured for ever

1912, Shravan 15
Guru-sthan padukas were installed under the Neem Tree at Shirdi

First visit of Mahadev Rao Sapatnekar of Akkalkot accompanied by his younger brother Pandit Rao. When Mahadev Rao prostrated before Baba, Baba shouted 'Chal hat' (Get away) in the protest of absence of faith in Saptnekar's mind and his prejudice for Baba.

Baba gave at Dwarakamai darshan of himself as Vitthal and Rakhumai of Pandharpur to the wife and mother of R. B. Purandare of Bandra.

1913, Ram-Navaimi
Bala Buva Satarkar performed Ram-Navami Kirtan at Shirdi and Baba gave him a gift of Rs.150/- for the Kirtan. These coins were collected in a dish (Thali) after Baba's prayer (Aarti). Baba poured the whole dish in Satarkars bag (zoli)

1913, May
Wamanrao Patel (Aged 24 - 25 Years.) (Swami Sai Sharanananda ji) visited Shirdi again and this time stayed for 11 months.

Rao Bahadur Sathe got a son by Baba's Grace at the age of 57 years.

Sapatnekar of Akkalkot arrived at Shirdi again with wife and returned being blessed for begetting a son.

1914, Feb 14
Mr.B.V. Deo (Memlatdar of Dahanu in Thane Distict) was charged and reprimanded by Baba for stealing His rag and after lot of abusing and scolding was favoured with instruction to read Dnyaneshawari regularly every day as per Deo's desire. This episode is an example of how Baba sometimes displayed his transcendental powers to read devotees mental inclinations even without formal oral communication.

1914, Feb 22
A Sadhak of Yoga (Swami Ram Baba) visited Shirdi and seeing Baba eating bread with onion got suspicious and disappointed. However Baba proved His power of omniscience by reading his mind and the Sadhak returned highly satisfied and blessed.

1914, April 2
Before the year was over, Baba appeared to Deo in a dream and inquired if he understood Dnyaneshwari properly. Deo said 'No' and added that without Baba's Grace it will not be understood. Then Baba explained to Deo how to read it slowly (and without making haste) with full concentration for knowing the subtle meaning between the lines (Bodha -Knowledge)

1914, Ram-Navami
Das Ganu was ordained by Baba to perform Ram-Navami Kirtan at Shirdi every year.

1914, Shravan
H. H. Shri Vasudevananda Saraswati (Aged 80 years) (Tembe Swami) left His mundane body at Garudeshwar on the banks of River Nannada in Gujarat.

1914. July 15
Kashinath Upasani left Shird! (total stay 3 years, 19 days) and proceeded towards Nagpur, Khadakpur etc.

Sai Baba suffered from asthma and was very weak. Yet He climbed over Radhakrishna Mai's roof with a ladder. Paid Rs. 2/- to the person bringing and placing the ladder. Honouring a worker for his work, Baba showed how Dignity of labour should be maintained.

1915, Dec
Balakram Mankar passed away at Shirdi.

1915, Dec
Mrs Tarkhad (wife of Babasaheb Tarkhad of Bandra) sent a pedha (made of milk and sugar) which was already offered as naivedya and that too with Balakram's son Govindji who was in mourning. Yet Baba swollowed it with great eagerness and love

1915, Dec 30
Construction work of Butty's Wada was in progress. Baba occasionally used to go at this place to see the progress of this work and gave instructions.

Sai Baba made Das Ganu to do 'Nam-saptah and Kirtan' at Shirdi for a week

Radhakrishna Mai (Aged 35 years) passed away. Baba used to bless her by sending a portion of food collected by him by way of Bhiksha.

Arrival of a Madrasi Bhajani Mela (Party of the Ramdasi Order). Baba gave darshan to the chief's wife in the form of her beloved diety Shri Rama. The chief also got a dream and his attitude towards Baba was completely changed.

Nephew of Dr. Mulky from Malegaon (District Nasik), suffering from tubercular bone-abcess, was fully cured by Sai Baba's Udi and his loving glance. The doctor himself visited Shirdi afterwards and became a staunch devotee of Shri Sai Baba realising that Baba's service is to be performed not only for the sake of money or other mundane things but for the welfare of the disabled, helpless and downtrodden.

Annasaheb Dabholkar (Hemadpant) retired from Govt. service. On Guru Poumima Day while at Shirdi, Anna Chinchanikar pleaded before Baba for getting some other appointment for Hemadpant as his pension was quite insufficient and his family was growing. Baba assured him about his source of income for livelyhood after retirement.

1916, Vijaya Dashami
When in the evening Shirdi residents were returning from 'Simollanghan' ceremony (crossing of the border or limits of the kingdom village), Baba suddenly got into wild rage and taking off His head-dress, kafni and langota (loin cloth) etc., tore them into pieces and threw them in the burning Dhuni before Him. The fire in the Dhuni became brighter and Baba stood there stark naked. Later when cooled down and dressed again Baba said, "This is My Simollanghan" and thus hinted at His departure from this world soon on Dassehra Day. This Darshan provided an enlightenment that Baba's body cannot be described as Hindu or Muslim or of any cast or belonging to any religion in vogue.

Ramchandra Dada Patil became seriously ill. One night. appearing before him, Baba told him that he would recover soon but Tatya Patil will die on Vijaya Dashami Day in 1918. Thus by substituting Tatya's name for HIS, Baba foretold Tatya's passing away. However, Baba sacrificed his body to save devotees life by saying 'instead of him another person will go?'.

Baba averted Gopal Narayan Ambadekar's effort of suicide by prompting him to read an appropriate incident from Akkalkot Swami's Chaiitra (religious scripture) and avoided greatest sin in his devotees life.

Parayana (recitation for 7 days) of Guru Charitra by one Mr Sathe (Not Rao Bahadur Sathe of Sathe Wada) and Baba's vision to him on the last day. Shama narrated to Hemadpant the story of Radhabai Deshmukh and Baba asking Hemadpant to narrate the same to Him again blessed Hemadpant by pouring into his hands sugar-candy as prasad.

1917, May19
Lokmanya Tilak arrived at Shird! with Dadasaheb Khaparde for Baba's Darshan.

Haribhau Karnik of Dahanu (District Thane) wished to offerd. one more rupee to Baba while leaving Shirdi, but could not do so. On the way at Nasik, in the Kala Rama Temple another saint Narasing Maharaj demanded one rupee from him. Karnik gave it willingly thinking that Baba was demanding the rupee he wanted to offer at Shirdi. Baba fulfilled in HIS many mysterious ways devotees' desire to offer dakshina through all the media.

Sai Baba appeared at Thane (North of Bombay) to inquire the well-being of Appasaheb Kulkarni's wife and children when he was away on tour. When Appasaheb returned Baba not only fulfilled his desire of offering Rs.10 as Dakshina but also favoured him by returning nine rupees consecrated by His touch. These nine rupees are the symbol of nine bhakti services done to HIM.

Upasani Maharaj (Aged 47 years) made Sakuri (near Rahata) his permanent residence.

Rao Bahadur Moreshwar Pradhan purchased Lendi Baug and later presented it to Shirdi Sansthan'. Baba himself planted some trees at the Lendi Baug

1918, April 1
At Vile Parle (East) (now suburb of Bombay) on Hanuman Road, Narayan Mahadev Thosar's residence (later known as Narayan Ashram) was built a Hanuman Temple. On the day it was consecrated, Baba paid Rs. 25 to a Brahmin named Waze and made him perform Shri Satya-narayan Pooja

Prof. G. G. Narke, son-in-law of Butty got a permanent job by Baba's Grace as Professor in the Engineering College at Pune. Baba always remebered him by saying 'where has he (Narke) gone? Baba gave him a begging bag (zoli) for collecting food -an exercise in cultivating humility and eliminating ego.

1918, August
Baba offered Hemadpant a glass of butter-milk and said, "Drink it all, you won't get such opportunity again suggesting that time for his Samadhi has arrived.

1918, Sep 9
Das Ganu wrote 'Shri Sai Stavan Manjaril at Maheshwar (Madhya Pradesh) on the banks of River Narmada.

1918, Sept 28
Nath Panthi saint Rama-Maruti of Kalyan passed away.

1918, Sept 28
Sai Baba had a slight attack of fever which lasted for 3- 4 days. Since then Baba abstained from food and day by day His weakness increased.

1918, Oct 1
Baba asked a Brahmin devotee by the name Waze to read 'Raum- Vijay' (by Sridhar Swami) and listened to it for 14 days.

1918,Oct 8
A tiger met its death at the feet and presence of Sai Baba and was emancipated.

1918, Oct 15, Tuesday
On Vijaya Dashmi, Sai Baba left his mortal coil at about 2-30 p.m. Few minutes before He gave Rs. 9/- as prasad to Laxmi Shinde. These nine coins represent nine dimensional devotion to GOD.

1918, Oct 16
WednesdayEarly morning Baba appeared to Das Ganu at Pandharpur, in dream and said, "The Dwaraka mai has collapsed and all the oilmen and grocers have troubled Me a lot. So I am leaving the place. Go there quickly and cover My body copiously with flowers".

1918, Oct 16
Wednesday in the evening Baba's body was taken in procession through the Shirdi village and then interred in Butty Wada with due formalities

1918, Oct 27
On the 13th day Baba's devotees from all over gathered and funeral rites were performed by Balasaheb Bhate with a feast (Bhandara) to Brahmins and poor. Later Upasani accompanied by Bapusaheb Jog went to Prayag (Allahabad) and performed all the remaining obsequies on the banks of River Ganges

Baba ki Udi

From the earliest days, Baba would give udi - holy ash from the dhuni - to his visitors. The healing power of Baba's udi is well documented and there are numerous cases of people being healed of pain or sickness by taking Baba's udi both before and since his mahasamadhi.

Baba would sometimes apply udi to his devotees when they arrived, or when they were taking leave of him, and he often gave out handfuls which he scooped up from the dhuni. The Shri Sai Satcharitra tells us that "when Baba was in a good mood" he sometimes used to sing about udi "in a tuneful voice and with great joy": "Sri Ram has come, Oh he has come during his wanderings and he has brought bags full of udi." Udi is still collected from the fire for distribution. Since this is a continuation of Baba's own practice, and the udi comes from the very fire that Baba himself lit and tended, it is considered extremely sacred. Today a small tray of udi is kept for visitors near the steps.

For devotees of Sai Baba there is an emotional attachment to udi as a tangible form of Baba's blessings, a vehicle for Baba's grace and a link to Baba himself. People usually put it on the forehead and/or in the mouth. Sri Babuji also gives Baba's udi as a symbol of Baba's blessing. When a Westerner unfamiliar with the custom once asked him why he did this, Sri Babuji replied that because the udi is from the fire that was lit and touched by Baba, the ashes are a connection to Baba and to his touch - and thus no ordinary ash. Putting the udi on the forehead, says Sri Babuji, "always gives me the experience of the touch of my Beloved and the udi is a symbol of his grace."

Udi is available in small packets from a small booth outside the Samadhi Mandir.